New Life Church Supports Our Covenant Partners of Israel
New Life Church Supports Our Covenant Partners of Israel
Pastor Matt is New Life's Associate Pastor. He has been on staff for over twenty years. He is married to Kristin and they have two children, Ryan who is a director in our television ministry, and Alyssa who creates all kinds of art and does sound for TV. Matt is the church administrator and supervises all church department leaders. He also oversees our construction projects. Matt is also one of our Millville police chaplains. Kristin also works at the church and is New Life’s office manager.
Pastor Ron has been a staff pastor at New Life for over 38 years. He is married to Diana and they have two grown children. Ron loves preaching the Word of God. He is an avid researcher of the Word of God and brings great revelations in his preaching. He follows his father in the ministry. Diana is our director of "Champions of Hope" our cancer outreach.
Pastor John has been on New Life’s staff for over thirty-eight years. Pastor John is Pastor Myers’ traveling partner and has traveled with him to various states and countries around the world. Pastor John operates in the prophetic and is a member of the music ministry. He is also one of our police chaplains. John’s wife, Marguerite is in charge of our intercessory prayer ministry, our women’s ministry, and is a board member of New Life. Marguerite is also Pastor and Helen’s personal intercessor and friend for over thirty-seven years.
Pastor Steve Burton is New Life’s music pastor for over twenty years. Pastor Steve is a gifted and anointed worship leader, singer, musician and songwriter. God uses Pastor Steve’s gifting to bring the congregation into the presence of the Lord. He also produces various musical programs throughout the year, along with video editing/production and creative projects for our social media platforms. He has several albums of songs he’s written and are available for the public on various music websites. He is married to his wife Kim.
Pastor Toni as been a staff pastor at New Life for over thirty-four years. She has two grown children, Cathy and Lisa. Toni is a teacher of the Word, operates in the prophetic, and is responsible for training and teaching our new members. She is a graduate of Rhema Bible Institute and has faithfully served God since graduation.
Pastor Tito is New Life’s "Family Pastor." He is responsible for the growth, development and fellowship of all our families, bringing them into a closer walk with Jesus...and with each other. He is married to Marilynn who is part of our music and drama ministries, and has three children, Anissa who is involved in our television ministry, Isabella a budding artist, and their youngest son Isaac. Tito is following in his father’s footsteps as a minister of the Gospel. Tito is also one of our police chaplains.
Pastor Bill has been with Pastor Myers almost from the beginning of his service to New Life. Pastor Bill is married to his wife Sue who is part of the intercessory prayer ministry. Pastor Bill is responsible for hospital visitations, visiting shut-in’s to offer communion and family visitations. He has been a faithful servant to Pastor Myers and to God.
Pastor Frank has been a part of New Life for many years. He spent a time pastoring a church within our area. He has returned to New Life and is now part of the Pastoral Staff. He is married to his wife, Paula who is also a part of our worship ministry and leads our choir. Both of these wonderful people have been friends with Pastor and Helen for many years. Their daughter Micah is part of "Chosen" our young people singing group.